Preventing Pain
Tips To Prevent Pain In Daily Living
We stress our bodies everyday – even sitting down in one position for too long can cause pain in the areas of the back, neck and even knees. This section offers you simple tips on how to stay pain-free while at home, in the office or during sports.
Ultimately, this is just a guide. There is no substitute for getting professional advice from your sport coach or gym instructor on how to exercise in the correct way, painlessly.

When using a doing housechores
Never bend at the waist. Instead, keep your back straight by supporting your weight with one leg bent in front or by leaning on something. Also, use smooth, controlled strokes to ease the strain on the shoulder and arms. Otherwise, kneel on one knee.

When lifting things overhead
When lifting things overhead or hanging up clothing, keep your pelvis (hips) aligned and your chest up.

When carrying something
When lifting things, bend your knees and keep objects close to you. Let your legs help you lift.
As far as possible, try to avoid lifting something from over a barrier.

When using a keyboard or mouse
Use a wrist support for your keyboard or mouse. The repeated unsupported motion can strain the wrist and lead to chronic pain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

A good seating position
A comfortable, supportive chair is essential. The illustration (left) is a good example of an ideal sitting position where the back of the chair supports the lumbar spine (the lower back) and preserves its natural curve while supporting the thighs as well.If your chair does not have the proper support for the lumbar, wedge a soft pillow at the small of your back.Vary your sitting positions and walk around once in a while to relieve the stress.

When working at the computer
Ensure that your computer screen is not too high or too low to avoid straining the neck. The best position is to have your screen slightly below eye level so you can sit up straight and look at it without bending your neck.

Having to stare down at something
Avoid having to stare down at something. When reading a document, use something to prop it up at an angle.
Warm up and cool down
The golden rule when playing any sport or even when working out in a gym is to warm up and cool down before and after your exercise.
The golden rule when playing any sport or even when working out in a gym is to warm up and cool down before and after your exercise.
When stretching, each muscle group should be held in a static stretch for 10 – 60 seconds to allow the muscles to lengthen slowly. Do not ‘bounce’ when you stretch because this is counterproductive.
Warm ups also reduce the risk of injury and sprains. A proper warm up should form beads of sweat on your forehead.
Cool downs lower your heartbeat and would typically consist of stretching exercises. Cool downs help your muscles recuperate quicker after strenuous activity and keep them in good working order.
Wear a support or guard
If you know you have a weak joint, wear a support or guard on the affected area to prevent any undue injury. Do not be afraid to exercise an injured joint – exercise can strengthen it – but seek the advice of a trained instructor on how best to do this without exacerbating the situation.
The necessary guards are also important in high-contact sport such as football and rugby.